2008 Rugby League World Cup


Thursday, October 18, 2007

OC,RH & the National, money tricks, violence against women

Ok so I put the wrong address down for letters to the PM so correction it’s; pmsmedia@pm.gov.pg NOT pmsmedia@pm.gov.AU , as you may well be able to tell ‘.au’ is a prefix I drop behind a lot of my emails for work and family purposes. (Thanks Peter)

Now back to Moti. I found one of the drafted letters to the PM published in the Post, of course with their editions and nothing at the end asking the PM to adhere to the laws of this country which he himself implemented but I’m happy it was published anyway. I was also a bit surprised to find out that the Ombudsman Commission has been conducting an investigation into the Moti issue since last year (navigate to "News" tab). Yes, it begun around the same time as the Defence Force Board of Inquiry and the inquiry by the office of the Chief Secretary but is apparently still on-going though I fail to see how a small incident, time and logistics wise, could take such a long time to investigate. Maybe they’re hoping we’ll forget about it but thanks to the Post for printing this, we now know it’s still around.

I’ve drafted a letter (posted below) asking the Ombudsman Commission to basically hurry-up with their investigations. If any of you agree with this please feel free to copy and paste the letter and email or airmail it off to the Ombudsman Commission. I’m still not on to that letter for the Defence Minister requesting he table the Moti Report in parliament.

On the grapevine, notable sources have told that members of the former Somare Government entered elections with K3 million each, which was supplied from a fund initially set aside for resolving possible land-owner problems with the (now failed) proposed Australian gas pipeline project. Now I read that Patrick Pruitich is siphoning off a certain K500 million to a different trust account for future gas projects. My question is does the whole K500 million still exist? Or could this be the same money that was used for elections and is now being publicly announced (true or otherwise) as being stored away, to ward off any requests for its possible re-distribution or questions as to why it hasn’t been re-distributed yet?? Maybe I’m totally off the mark but only time will tell.

In other news I truly laughed at The National printing this crap. What they fail to inform readers is that this consulting firm is employed by RH to write these reports and has been employed by RH to do so for the last few years. Selective reporting indeed. I have no doubt RH employs PNGeans etc… but at what price are they “contributing” to this nation, and what is their NET contribution once social factors including: government and public sector manipulation, environmental damage and the fact that they “govern” certain remote areas of PNG are taken into account.

Please send a letter to the Ombudsman Commission and the papers if you agree with the drafted letter below and return to this site for a letter to the Defence Minister. We should not be prepared to let the Moti issue die, especially since it is unclear whether Somare has in fact appealed the decision of the National Court, and if not are we all expected to sit around in limbo?

Before I sign off I heartily endorse Lady Kidu’s campaign for zero tolerance on violence against women, the women of PNG who are standing up to the “norm” of violence against women in PNG, and The Post for championing this campaign! I don’t know if the petition is still doing the rounds, if it is, please sign it!

Update: I recieved a prompt reply from Mr Ila Geno, the Chief Ombudsman, which is posted below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yu got the wrong email address for the PM's office.
