2008 Rugby League World Cup


Friday, September 26, 2008

Condolences, Kimisopa, Olga, TV propaganda

Firstly, condolences to the family of Mike Manning the TIPNG Chairman. Very sad loss for the whole of PNG, Mr Manning was known for speaking out about corruption in PNG without fear. Unexpected deaths like this always bring out theories and this is one I heard from an employee of TIPNG and apparently is something a lot of people who knew him think: Mr Manning was apparently poisoned. Conspiracy or not, I leave that up to you.

Meanwhile, here are some interesting tidbits.

First the Bire Kimisopa case against Thompson Harokaveh. Now this case has been going on for ages. After the trial bit was over the judge, Justice Hinchcliffe, apparently fell sick and went away to Brisbane, delaying the verdict for over 4 months and now the Judge has returned but it's not clear whether he has yet delivered a verdict. By the time this whole thing gets sorted the next elections will be around and that's too long a time to have a promising leader like Mr Kimisopa out of Parliament. There must also be issues of the right to a speedy trial/delay of justice in there somewhere, i'm sure.

Staying in the highlands, Piace Wingti's case against Tom Olga was won and has now gone to an appeal. Meanwhile, the general feeling in WHP is that Mr Olga is doing nothing and cashing up big time. Olga is a tribesmen of Minister of Internal Security, Sani Rambi, who apparently contributed some some to Olga's election campaign and is now reaping the rewards with a huge number of his hire cars (Mountain Hire Car) being used by the WHP provincial government and Olga minions with million dollar checks being made out to Mr Rambi. Meanwhile a few other smaller car hire companies are still waiting on payment from Mr Olga for cars he used during his campaign and some he has continued to use. Apparently Mr Olga made a lot of promises during his campaign and is now busy writing the checks before an untimely end to his term through the courts. What I want to know is why in the hell the WHP provincial government needs so many cars when there is so little in terms of development going on.

The National Court has also ruled against Sir Arnold Amet but he has asked for a review of the decision by the Supreme Court so fingers crossed.

Oh and the government tv station...Maybe I'm over reacting but wouldn't this be such a great propaganda tool? Think Suharto's Indonesia with the Government TV station and regulated media. Hmmm.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

TV Propaganda alright...that was the first thought that crossed my mind.

New free national TV station...regulated to the point of "creative journalism"?....yet to be seen...
